Tag - Strzyżów Foothills

Strzyżów Foothills – a physical and geographical mesoregion in southern Poland stretching between the Wisłoka and Wisłok valleys. From the west it borders the Ciężkowice Foothills, from the east – the Dynów Foothills, from the north – the Podkarpacka Pradolina, and from the south – the Jasło-Krosno Valley. It covers an area of approximately 900 km2. The highest hill is Bardo with a height of 534 m a.s.l. located in the central part of the Klonowa Góra Range.
Due to valuable natural values, the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Landscape Park was established in part of the foothill area. It includes the „Góra Chełm” Nature Reserve and the entire Klonowa Góra Range, which is the highest part of the foothills. A very interesting landscape is the Wisłok gorge near Frysztak, where the river cuts between the highest ranges of the Strzyżów and Dynów foothills.